カテゴリ: サブカテゴリ: 検索: 頁行数:
件数:196 頁:20/20 (191196件目) [←先頭] [←前] [→次] [→最後]
100のツボ 1

電卓を使ったほうがいいよ。でなきゃ無理じゃないかな。You should work that out on a calculator. Otherwise you might make a mistake.

You should work that out on a calculator. Otherwise you might make a mistake.電卓を使ったほうがいいよ。でなきゃ無理じゃないかな。

100のツボ 1

火は消しておかなきゃだめだよ。You should've turned the heat off.

You should've turned the heat off.火は消しておかなきゃだめだよ。

100のツボ 1

お箸(はし)の持ち方が違ってますよ。You're holding your chopsticks wrong.

You're holding your chopsticks wrong.お箸(はし)の持ち方が違ってますよ。

100のツボ 1

なんだかんだ言ったって。You're making one excuse after another.

You're making one excuse after another.なんだかんだ言ったって。

100のツボ 1

着方が違ってるよ。You're wearing it wrong.

You're wearing it wrong.着方が違ってるよ。

100のツボ 1

浴衣が裏返しだよ。Your yukata is on inside out.

Your yukata is on inside out.浴衣が裏返しだよ。

件数:196 頁:20/20 (191196件目) [←先頭] [←前] [→次] [→最後]