カテゴリ: サブカテゴリ: 検索: 頁行数:
件数:198 頁:19/20 (181190件目) [←先頭] [←前] [→次] [→最後]
旅行 2

両替所はどこですか?Where is the currency exchange counter?

Where is the currency exchange counter?両替所はどこですか?

旅行 2

搭乗口はどこですか?Where is the departure gate?

Where is the departure gate?搭乗口はどこですか?

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トイレはどこですか?Where is the restroom?

Where is the restroom?トイレはどこですか?

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どっちの電車に乗ればいいの?Which train should I take?

Which train should I take?どっちの電車に乗ればいいの?

旅行 2

これとあれ、どっちのワインがいい?Which wine do you prefer,this one or that one?

Which wine do you prefer,this one or that one?これとあれ、どっちのワインがいい?

旅行 2

今日はここまでにしようぜ。Why don't we call it a day?

Why don't we call it a day?今日はここまでにしようぜ。

旅行 2

遊びにこない?Why don't you come visit me?

Why don't you come visit me?遊びにこない?

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やってみない手はないでしょう。Why not take a shot at that?

Why not take a shot at that?やってみない手はないでしょう。

旅行 2

わたしの部屋に来てくれますか?Would you come to my room?

Would you come to my room?わたしの部屋に来てくれますか?

旅行 2

何か冷たい飲み物はいかがですか?Would you like something cold to drink?

Would you like something cold to drink?何か冷たい飲み物はいかがですか?

件数:198 頁:19/20 (181190件目) [←先頭] [←前] [→次] [→最後]