カテゴリ: サブカテゴリ: 検索: 頁行数:
件数:144 頁:15/15 (141144件目) [←先頭] [←前] [→次] [→最後]
100のツボ 3

試験が終わるまで待ってもらえるかな。You'll have to give me a rain check until after the exams.

You'll have to give me a rain check until after the exams.試験が終わるまで待ってもらえるかな。

100のツボ 3

ちょっと見当違いだね。You're a bit wide of the mark.

You're a bit wide of the mark.ちょっと見当違いだね。

100のツボ 3

冗談でしょう?You're not serious,are you?

You're not serious,are you?冗談でしょう?

100のツボ 3

本当に助かりました。You've been very helpful.

You've been very helpful.本当に助かりました。

件数:144 頁:15/15 (141144件目) [←先頭] [←前] [→次] [→最後]