カテゴリ: サブカテゴリ: 検索: 頁行数:
件数:2312 頁:231/232 (23012310件目) [←先頭] [←前] [→次] [→最後]
100のツボ 1

着方が違ってるよ。You're wearing it wrong.

You're wearing it wrong.着方が違ってるよ。


着方が違ってるよ。You're wearing it wrong.

You're wearing it wrong.着方が違ってるよ。

100のツボ 3

本当に助かりました。You've been very helpful.

You've been very helpful.本当に助かりました。


本当に助かりました。You've been very helpful.

You've been very helpful.本当に助かりました。


あなたはそれをめちゃくちゃにしてしまった!You've made a mess of them!

You've made a mess of them!あなたはそれをめちゃくちゃにしてしまった!

100のツボ 2

君にキスしてあげたいキモチだよ。You,I could kiss right now.

You,I could kiss right now.君にキスしてあげたいキモチだよ。

100のツボ 2

ネコさまも同様に歓待いたします。Your cat is just as welcome.

Your cat is just as welcome.ネコさまも同様に歓待いたします。

旅行 2

僕にもわからない。Your guess is as good as mine.

Your guess is as good as mine.僕にもわからない。


僕にもわからない。Your guess is as good as mine.

Your guess is as good as mine.僕にもわからない。

旅行 5

今日の髪形きまってるね。その髪形で来る回数、もっと増やしたほうがいいよ。Your hair looks really good today. You should wear your hair like that more often.

Your hair looks really good today. You should wear your hair like that more often.今日の髪形きまってるね。その髪形で来る回数、もっと増やしたほうがいいよ。

件数:2312 頁:231/232 (23012310件目) [←先頭] [←前] [→次] [→最後]