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件数:187 頁:19/19 (181187件目) [←先頭] [←前] [→次] [→最後]
100のツボ 2

逃げたほうがいいわ。You'd better run.

You'd better run.逃げたほうがいいわ。

100のツボ 2

寝ていてもうるさいやつだ。You're a noisy one,even when you're asleep.

You're a noisy one,even when you're asleep.寝ていてもうるさいやつだ。

100のツボ 2

だいじょうぶ、ぼくがついてる。You're all right. I'll always be by your side.

You're all right. I'll always be by your side.だいじょうぶ、ぼくがついてる。

100のツボ 2

あなたって、ほんと、奇跡だわ。You're such a miracle.

You're such a miracle.あなたって、ほんと、奇跡だわ。

100のツボ 2

きみがいたからこそ、一歩前に踏み出せたの。You're the one who made me step forward.

You're the one who made me step forward.きみがいたからこそ、一歩前に踏み出せたの。

100のツボ 2

君にキスしてあげたいキモチだよ。You,I could kiss right now.

You,I could kiss right now.君にキスしてあげたいキモチだよ。

100のツボ 2

ネコさまも同様に歓待いたします。Your cat is just as welcome.

Your cat is just as welcome.ネコさまも同様に歓待いたします。

件数:187 頁:19/19 (181187件目) [←先頭] [←前] [→次] [→最後]